It is NOT about . . .
~ Feeling happy 24 x 7
~ Toxic positivity and forcing positive thoughts all the time
~ Denying the existence of challenges or pretending challenges do not exist
It is ACTUALLY about . . .
✨Quiet Confidence ✨
It comes from believing in yourself, understanding who you are, what’s important to you, and what you can do.
What does that confidence look and feel like. . .
✨It is a calm strength that helps you go through life smoothly and confidently.✨
Kindness and compassion ✨Like gentle light, they help you see yourself clearly—all the parts of you, even the rough spots and hidden strengths. Additionally, these qualities help you be more forgiving of yourself, discover and understand what you are capable of, and be more open to welcoming other perspectives.
Raising self-awareness of the daily thoughts ✨Paying attention to your thoughts—your inner radio station. Once you know what they are, you can start changing the unhelpful ones and have more thoughts that empower and support you.
Respecting our emotions ✨ Treating your feelings with kindness and respect. It is okay to feel what you feel. There is no need to blame yourself or anyone else. Believing in yourself and knowing you can grow and change is the first step to a more compassionate way of processing your emotions. We explore how to ‘respond’ rather than ‘react’.
Acceptance and commitment✨ Accepting and committing to grow despite mistakes is a commitment to continuing learning, adapting, and being inspired to change while believing in ourselves.
Having the courage to be you ✨ Showing up as ourselves takes courage, confidence, and especially feeling comfortable in our skin.
Choosing Joy and making it a daily practice ✨ Joy is energy. It is steeped in every decision we make and how we choose to live, love, and be—moment to moment. Finally, we learn to celebrate the little and big milestones as we continue life’s journey.
In coaching . . .
🌟 We are partners, have agreements and maintain respect for each other.
🌟 You are in charge here. You decide what we talk about, what you want to do, and how you want to do it.
🌟I am here to help you think things through, offer support, and push you to consider things from different angles so you can understand yourself better.
Browse my Coaching Packages
As the JOY Coach, I . . .
Hold the space for your thoughts and our conversations in a safe, respectful and non-judgmental environment. 💫
Listen (actively) with a mindset that is open, curious, flexible and, most importantly, client-centred. 💫
Reflect, challenge, question, and sometimes stay silent to support you with evoking your insights and awareness. 💫
Partner with you to support your thinking, see the learning, design actions, and celebrate progress. 💫
Tell me more about the coaching packages?
Our Joy Coaching packages offer two flexible options to fit your budget and needs: a single session or a bundle of five sessions. We also provide ongoing support with options for quick, laser-focused 20-minute sessions or more in-depth hour-long sessions, available after your initial package. Whether you are navigating personal challenges, seeking professional growth, or aiming to enhance your overall wellbeing, the coaching serves as a platform to support you. However, as a client-centered and client-led partnership, coaching requires your commitment and effort for maximum benefit.
Coaching helps you manage change with greater confidence. Read more here.
Team and Group Coaching
For team or group coaching, please get in touch with us to discuss a customised package that aligns with your specific goals.
Custom Coaching Solutions
Looking for a different approach? Book a free consultation call, and let’s explore how we can tailor our services to meet your unique goals.
Want to know what it’s like to work with me?
I’m a lawyer turned coach. More about me here.
Come along to a Sprinkle Joy Workshop and give a session a try!