A photo of Nisha smiling

Catch me in Issue 12 – Going Global Freelancer Magazine

I was selected as one of their favourite freelancer pics on the gram.

Being Comfortable In My Skin – is a phrase you’ll hear me say a lot!

What it means to me is:

💚 getting cosy with all my sides – the joyful, the dreamer and the hulk (my grumpy, irritable and hangry side).

💚 accepting myself through the changes in my body, relationships (personal/professional, the weather!

💚 feeling solid on my values as this guides me to show up as a better person for myself and the people around me.

One way I honour this is by showing up as I am on and off the grid. I wanted the connection to be real and to celebrate the magic each of us holds.

Thank you @freelancermag for spotlighting me as one of the favourite faces on the gram! I hope this picture inspires people to enjoy that full-hearted laugh, the twinkle in their eyes, and seek joy in the teeny moments of everyday life. 🥰