It is NOT about . . .

 ~ Just turning up and posting anything

 ~ Spending ages worrying about what to post

 ~ Acting one way online and another way in real life


It is about . . .

 ~ Engagement and strengthening connections

  ~ Having meaningful conversations

 ~ Fostering a culture of belonging where everyone feels valued and respected.


✨Above all, it is about building trust.✨

Nisha sits with a pen, holding a notebook titled "The One Where Nisha Wins Business," reflecting the mindset she brings to her work.

Why is storytelling a vital leadership skill . . .

Leadership storytelling is an invaluable way for leaders to connect with their teams. First, it helps them be more approachable to everyone in the company. Second, it nurtures an ongoing process of building trust, empathy, and strong relationships. Third, it is a natural way to communicate and can be integrated seamlessly in formal and informal settings as part of the way of work rather than something you only do before surveys and performance reviews. Fourth, it builds a culture of inclusion and belonging, promotes morale and drives employee engagement.

Storytelling is a key driver of employee engagement.

Employee engagement is at an all-time low, with more employees suffering from loneliness. In fact, a staggering 77% of employees are either not engaged (62%) or actively disengaged (15%) in their work. Consequently, this translates to a staggering $8.9 trillion in lost productivity worldwide. With more people working from home and organisations expanding their global footprint, sharing business stories keeps everyone in the loop about where the company is going and what has been achieved.

What else does this mean for teams and employees?

It helps colleagues feel more connected, find meaning and purpose in their work, and feel like they are a part of a bigger system.

What does business storytelling look like in practice . . .

Leaders can use business storytelling in many ways, from sharing their vision and inspiring motivation through their experiences to celebrating colleagues’ contributions.  For example, you can use them in team meetings, big company gatherings, team-building, one-to-ones, newsletters, the company intranet, or even on social media like LinkedIn or Glassdoor.

How can we partner in storytelling?

You know your audience and your business best. So, let’s work together to share your stories and messages through compelling storytelling. My coaching skills, including active listening, make me a valuable partner for brainstorming, preparing talking points, and crafting questions to help you build compelling content.


You can email your inquiry, or alternatively let’s chat. To do this, Book a FREE call.




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