Meet Sunny
Meet Sunny Nagpal, Denim Club Country Partner for India G100 Oneness and Wisdom. On this episode of Portraits of Joy, he unveils insights into a joyful life and how to make a conscious decision to find joy. He says joy is not a part-time thing or a stroke of luck. It is a commitment to ourselves. Sunny’s tips on finding joy are refreshingly simple yet impactful. For more views about joy, click here.
Find Joy
Sunny, a renowned coach and author, exemplifies his teachings, spreading positivity wherever he goes. His engaging talks are enriched with practical anecdotes that resonate with everyone. He suggests starting each day afresh and smiling genuinely from the heart. Two things I instantly loved about this: the first, starting every day as a new experience. This is like a re-set button. To put behind the troubles, the doubt and the worries from yesterday, and start anew. It also reminded me to keep having that beginner, learner mindset – one without ego.
Second, I loved the added emphasis on smiling from the heart. This helps us connect with others genuinely. It makes us feel real and true to ourselves. When we feel and understand our own experiences deeply, it helps us connect with other people. It is a path each one of us can take to find joy.
Tune in to discover Sunny’s invaluable advice and embark on a journey to a happier you.
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Category: Portraits of Joy