Meet Natalie
Dr. Natalie Forest is a revolutionary rule breaker. She is also, an author, mentor, and recipient of the illustrious President Barack Obama Presidential Volunteer Service Award Lifetime Achievement Award in 2016. Leading by example, she showcases how you can find joy by turning the crossroads in your life into highlights of your personal growth.
Find Joy in the Present
She reminds us to be ‘present’ – to speak of joy in the present tense and actively create the atmosphere and mindset to choose joy. The present moment is the only actual moment. It is happening in real time and it is a gift. By staying ‘present’ or cultivating that ‘present moment awareness’ we are encouraged to be centered in the here and now, and not caught up in ruminations of the past, or plans for the future. To learn about other views on joy, click here.
Why is it hard?
It is hard to stay in the moment because we’re used to doing many things at once and always planning ahead. Our brains are always looking out for danger. So, focusing on what is happening right now is a simple way to bring our attention back. This helps us concentrate better, feel less worried, and be more present.
Take the good, with the bad
Natalie tells us to accept both the good and bad times when we’re trying to be happy. Even in the bad times, there’s always something to be thankful for. Every experience teaches us something, and even in unpleasant situations, we can find something to appreciate. By focusing on being grateful and practising saying thank you, we can learn to control how we experience things and what we learn from them. She also shows us how to build good habits by doing small things regularly.
The best way to find joy – Take a few Small Steps
Starting something new can be difficult, boring, and frankly, quite hard. Natalie says the best way to develop new habits is to start with tiny steps and do them regularly. She talks about how she built a daily yoga routine. Even on days she did not feel like it, she would just sit on her yoga mat for a few minutes. Those few quiet minutes are still yoga, and they are a gentle way to get used to a routine.
What new habit are you looking to develop to find joy?
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Category: Portraits of Joy